
Winner of the “Partnership Working Award” in the General Practice Awards 2018

Dementia Friendly Information Session

On 13th November 2019, a free educational session was organised by the PPG to deliver the above. The training was provided by Dr Jordan and was well attended.

Further sessions will be organised next year.

Basic Life Support training

In 2018, the PPG was proide to provide free training session on the basic life support to the local residents. The sessions took place at the practice and was very well attended.

To respond to patients requests, in June and September 2019, the PPG had organised further four traininmg sessions on basic life support. The sessions were successfully delivered by the Mansfield First Responders.

Coffee Mornings

The Major Oak Medical Practice PPG are looking at starting occasional coffee mornings at the practice, all money raised from these will be used to help the practice fund new equipment for patients.  Please keep an eye out for information as to when these will be.

Christmas Fayre

We are planning a Christmas Fayre on Saturday 1st December 2012 between 10am and 1pm to raise money for a new patient call system in the waiting area.

30p Entrance fee includes a cup of tea or coffee.  Tickets will be on sale for a prize winning tombola. Guess the weight of the cake competition and a lottery bonus ball! Winner need not be present.

Stalls will include; toys, bric-a-brac, homemade cakes and we are hoping for a very special visit from Father Christmas.

All donations and prizes have been kindly donated by patients and local businesses ~ A big thank you for your support!!

You asked us to look at the following areas:

1. Keeping patients up to date if a clinic is running late.

2. Addressing the amounts of patients that do not attend for appointments.

3. Old magazines in the waiting room being unhygienic.

4. Telephone consultations with doctors for advice.

5. Early morning appointments for blood tests.

6. Shorter waiting times to see a clinician.

The PPG and the Practice have accomplished:

1. Receptionists now place a sign on the reception desk to inform patients if a doctor or nurse is running behind and where possible inform patients as they book in.

2. The surgery now sends text message appointment reminders to patients with mobile phones to remind the patient of their appointment and requesting that they contact the surgery to cancel it should they no longer need to be seen.  For persistent non-attenders a letter is now sent to the patient highlighting the risk of them being removed from the practice list should their attendance not improve.  To raise awareness an article is placed in the Quarterly Newsletter and a notice is put up in the waiting room on a monthly basis breaking down the amount of hours in doctors and nursing appointments that have been wasted.

3. All magazines have been removed from the waiting area for hygiene reasons.

4. All doctors now have telephone consultations built into their surgeries every day they are in practice.

5. There is a Healthcare Assistant available for appointments on a Monday and Tuesday from 7am.

6. The start of telephone Nurse Triage for all emergencies which means you quickly get to see the right clinician when you are suffering from an urgent illness.  This has also reduced the waiting time for routine appointments.

Patient Awareness Talk: Breast & Ovarian Cancer 8th July 2014 6.30 pm till 8.30 pm.